Wed, Nov 09, 22.

Prodigal Son Parable

  1. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the publicans and sinners are represented by the prodigal son and the Scribes and Pharisees are represented by the son who stayed at home. This is what the parable means in its context.
  2. However, the parable can also be applied to the relationship between the Jews and Gentiles and their relationship to God. The Jews are the son who stayed in the house and the Gentiles are the son that went astray and returned to God. All people were once God’s people before the division of the nations, so the Gentiles were God’s people before they went their way.
  3. The ten lepers were not cleansed immediately but left to carry out Jesus’ instruction before they were cleansed [Luke 17:12-15]